Hey beautiful,
I'm Els
A student of life and a spiritual seeker with a deep longing to show up transparant in and for Life.
My path is one of coming into connection again, with myself, others and Life, in a way where I feel to be who I truly am, unapologetically, and embody my fullness, in my relationships, creativity and soul's mission.
For a long time, I experienced a deep sense of disconnection.
I was completely closed off from who I was,
stuck in people-pleasing and perfectionism.
I didn't feel good enough nor deserving of love and connection.
I felt lonely, often times depressed, had little energy to follow my soul's purpose
or enjoy my life.
This is what I learned and see working for myself every day:

When we are willing to embrace the
human beings that we are
step into the magic of
our unique gifts and inner power,
we create lives that not only EXCITE and IGNITE us,
but that are off SERVICE to everyone else.
Cause when we truly dare to be ourselves?
THAT'S when our light shines brightest!
That's when we naturally find our alignment
and everything flows with ease.
Over the past 9 years, I've supported hundreds of people to:
-break down the walls they had built around them
-bring out and express what's really inside
- come into connection with themselves, others and Life itself
- love and appreciate themselves more
- tap into the juice that's hidden in the shadow and free stuck life force
-move from victimhood to empowerment
- embody more of their self-leadership and fullness
- consciously create the lives they are longing for
I'd love to be of service to you too.
Find out below how you can work with me.
Over the past 9 years, I've supported hundreds of people to:
-break down the walls they had built around them
-bring out and express what's really inside
- come into connection with themselves, others and Life itself
- love and appreciate themselves more
- tap into the juice that's hidden in the shadow and free stuck life force
-move from victimhood to empowerment
- embody more of their self-leadership and fullness
- consciously create the lives they are longing for
I'd love to be of service to you too.
Find out below how you can work with me.

Copyright 2021 Els Cardinaels - All rights reserved.
Photography by Alima Ruf.